Massacre at the Ghat in Cawnpore (Kanpur) - 1857

Kanpur Mutiny Tour

Revisiting Cawnpore of 1857

Believed to have been settled by an ancient Hindu king, referred as Kanpur, the area was of little significance till about 1765. By the treaty of Faizabad, in 1775, the East India Company engaged to supply a brigade for the defence of the frontier of Oudh, and Cawnpore was selected as the station for the forces, with a subsidy being paid by the protected country (Oude) for the maintenance of the troops. Subsequently, in 1801 Lord Wellesley commuted this payment for the surrender of the district to the company’s territory, thus it gained an important barrier against the threatened invasion of the south, from Kabul and Afghanistan. Cawnpore immediately rose into one of the most important of the company’s garrisons.

Cawnpore Cantonment, that was quite distinct from the native city, was spread over an extent of six miles, in a semicircular form, along the banks of river Ganges. Hundreds of colonial bungalows, residences of British officers, standing midst well laid gardens, interspersed with forest trees. The barracks of the troops, with a separate bazaar for each regiment were a treat to one’s eyes. The breadth of Ganges at Cawnpore, in the dry season, is about five hundred yards, but when the rains filled it up, its bed stretched more than a mile.

On this very exclusive curated tour – ‘Revisiting Cawnpore of 1857’, we take you through the areas that were the focus of the siege. We try and understand how this bloodiest siege progressed to a conclusive end, when General Havelock freed Cawnpore of the shadows of the rebels.

Cost :

INR 11000 per person (min 2 guests required)

Starting Time : 

Winters / Summers – 8 am – 9 am

Expected Duration : 

8 hours (if from/to Lucknow)  |  4 hours (if from/to Kanpur)

Remarks : 

This is an exclusive special interest tour that operates every day.

Ideal time of starting would be 0800 hrs (if from Lucknow) while 1000 hrs (if from Kanpur), though may be altered as per individual requirements, while expect to return to the hotel by 1600 / 1700 hrs if Lucknow, or by 1400 / 1500 hrs if Kanpur.

  • Inclusions
  • Exclusions

An exclusive car for drive to and from Lucknow and visit sites of siege in Kanpur.

Pickup from and drop off  at any hotel in Lucknow or Kanpur.

Light refreshments & unlimited bottled water on board in the car.

Services of an exclusive Mutiny Specialist English Speaking Guide and entrances.

Privileged permissions to visit sites which otherwise are inaccessible.

Mutiny related reference material shown during the drive (hand-outs, maps and pictures).

Lunch at a local restaurant.

A book on Indian Mutiny as giveaway.

Use of transport other than the use on this tour.

Visits of any other monuments apart from subject related (may be covered by paying entrances).

Any meals other than lunch at designated restaurant on this tour.

Any other beverage, other than bottled water.
