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The Residency, Lucknow

Residency Reconstructed

Book Now

(Walking Tour)

Lucknow Residency was an abode of the British Resident, appointed as an administrator of Oudh by The East India Company. The total area of 33 acres was no less than a self-sufficient residential colony of British officers, their families and native servants. A place that was a lively European settlement till the month of May-1857, fell in the hands of the spirited mutineers and within a period of eighty seven days the entire complex was reduced to ruins, not before taking away lives of more than 2000 British men, women and innocent children within the complex.

On this 3 hours walking tour, we reconstruct the ruins within the complex, with the help of some rare pictures, building plans and maps. Also understand the events of 1857-58, with a focused reference to the Residency complex, enjoy 20 minutes documentary and refreshments served here with compliments. A mutiny expert guide will lead this very curated and a well-researched tour, supported by texts, pictures and maps. The tour has an option of a complimentary afternoon tea at The Tornos Studio that stocks the largest and the best collection of books and literature based on Indian Mutiny.

Cost :

INR 4500 per person

Starting Time : 

10:30 am (*1st time slot)

2:30 pm (*2nd time slot)

Expected Duration : 

2.5 – 3 hours

Remarks : 

This is an exclusive Residency tour covering the campus in in great detail.

Does not operate on Friday and a few other holidays.

  • Inclusions
  • Exclusions

Services of an exclusive Mutiny Specialist English Speaking Guide and entrance to Residency.

Light refreshments & bottled water.

Mutiny related reference material shown during the walk (hand-outs, maps and pictures).

An option of complimentary access to the Tornos Studio with afternoon tea.

Transport cost to and from Residency (may be booked separately).

Any food items on the tour/walk.

Any other beverage, other than bottled water

Visits of any other monuments apart from Residency.
