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Victorian Walk in Lucknow

Victorian Walk

Book Now

Why are we calling it a ‘Victorian Walk’ ?

The Victorian era of British history was the period of Queen Victoria’s reign from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. It was a long period of peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and national self-confidence for Britain. This was a period of great uprising  of 1857 that changed the way Indians and Britons lived, worked and thought. On one hand it records devastation and on another it is the period of art, literature, culture and style. Hazratganj is a place that has witnessed all of this and yet survived the strong winds that impacted its fabric, changed cultures and lifestyle yet can tell a story that starts from the early years of Queen Victoria and travels through the Edwardian into the second World War and further up till date.

It is said that change is inevitable and welcome, if it were not change, we would have never undertaken this walk to understand the transformation of Hazratgunge into Hazratganj. This is one place that so very conveniently connects history to itself, amalgamates it into the aristocracy of the British in India during the Raj and again moves up to Americanization during the World War, back into an Anglo-Indian culture and then again into a British influenced Lucknow that was very Indian at heart, but with a distinct culture.

One finds striking names and places in this road, which have an exciting story to back them and weave history around it.

About Victorian Walk…

Our Victorian Walk at HAZRATGUNGE (Hazratganj) lets you into its rich history, legacy and of course the marketplace that has evolved with times to cater the cultured and the elite of Lucknow. We take you on this walking tour, that includes a seated session to enjoy a freshly brewed Darjeeling Tea and some tea-time essentials. On this tour you will discover and rediscover Hazratganj of yore and will be able to compare it with the transformed Ganj of today. Understand the checkered history of Hazratganj from the uprising days of 1857 till the second world war in 1939-45 and again till the Indian independence in 1947. Further on, you learn about how Hazratganj plays a pivotal role in people’s life and why the people of Lucknow take pride in being seen here.

You also steel an opportunity to walk in and out of the glitzy showrooms and emporia that entice you with their colour and style. Walkers on this tour will be guided through this street by an expert walk leader, who will give ample time to look around. The commentary on this walk is through an audio guide system, helping you to listen to your walk leader, even when you are not necessarily following him.

We are sure, this is an experience that takes you back in times and lets you travel back again.

Cost :

INR 4000 per person (Shared Walk)

INR 16000 (Up to 4 persons – Exclusive Walk)

Starting Time :

Winters / Summers – 4 pm

Expected Duration :

2 hours

Remarks :

Victorian WalkMost enjoyable for British Travellers. Check schedule with us.

Does not operate on Sunday, national holidays and a few festivals such as Holi, & Diwali.

  • Inclusions
  • Exclusions

Pre-visit Orientation

Heritage Expert leading the walking tour

Guide hearing system (on request)

Walking bags with bottled water, tissues, light refreshments

Victorian Walk Route Map & hand-outs with write-ups

Afternoon Tea after the the walk ends

Transport cost to and from walk starting point (may be booked separately)

Any food items on the walk, unless a part of offer (tea & refreshments are included)

Any other beverage, other than bottled water or tea
