Volume: 16, No: 08 ; August-2022
Indian Mutiny 1857 – 9
Bengal Horse Artillery. 1st Brigade:
Lieutenant-Colonel Murray Mackenzie – wounded at Delhi – 2nd July 1857. died at Simla, 5th October 1857. Aged 43. Born in Middlesex. Son of John & Helen. Joined Bengal Artillery 1828. Husband of Emily Watson.
Grave at Simla New Cemetery – “Sacred to the memory of Lt. Colonel Murray Mackenzie, Bengal Horse Artillery, died 5th October 1857 from the effect of wounds received at Delhi, aged 44 years.”
Lieutenant D. C. Alexander – wounded at Lucknow – 16th September 1857. died of wounds
Lieutenant Henry George Perkins – killed in action at Ghazee-od-deen Nuggur – 31st May 1857. Aged 27. Memorial at Meerut – “In memory of 1st Lieutenant Henry George Perkins ….. of the 2nd Troop, 1st Brigade, Bengal Horse Artillery who fell in action with the mutineers at the Hindan river on the 31st May 1857, nobly doing their duty. This monument is erected by their Commanding Officer Colonel H. Tombs in token of esteem and regret.”
Bengal Horse Artillery. 2nd Brigade:
Lieutenant Augustus Otway Mayne – killed in action at Lucknow – 14th November 1857
Deputy-Asst-Quartermaster-General on the Staff of Brigadier Hope. Aged 28. Son of late Captain Charles Otway Mayne, of the Manor House, Great Stanmore, Middlesex.
Bengal Horse Artillery. 3rd Brigade:
Captain Edward Armstrong Currie D’Oyly – wounded at Sassiah – 5th July 1857. died of wounds 6th July at Agra. Ref The Times (4-9-57) died of a grape-shot wound at Agra 6th July.
Bengal Field Artillery :
Brigadier George Lewis Cooper – killed in action at Lucknow – 25th September 1857
Aged 45. Son of Major-General George (Bengal Army) and Jane, of London. Husband of Mary Griffin.
Colonel Francis Ruddle Bazely – killed in action at Lucknow – 25th September 1857
Aged 50. Son of Captain Henry (Royal Navy) and Mary, of Dover. Husband of Susan Denson.
Colonel Frederick Brind, CB. – wounded at Sealkote – 10th July 1857. died of wounds. Aged 56. Son of Walter Brind. Born in London. Served in the Gwalior, Sutlej and Punjab Campaigns. Husband of Henrietta Sale.
Colonel Sir Hugh Montgomery Lawrence, KCB. – wounded at Lucknow – 2nd July 1857. died of wounds 4th July 1857. Aged 50. Son of Lieut-Colonel Alexander and Catherine Lawrence. Husband of Honoria Marshall.
Lieutenant-Colonel Hubert Garbett – wounded at Delhi, 9th September 1857. died of infected wound at Simla – 14th January 1858. Aged 53. Son of Rev. James Garbett, of Hereford. Husband of Jessy Campbell.
Grave at Simla, New Cemetery – “Beneath this tomb are deposited the remains of Colonel Hubert Garbett of the Bengal Artillery who died at Simla on the 14th January 1858 from the effects of a wound received at the siege of Delhi where he served as a Brigadier commanding the artillery. Aged 53 years.”
Major George Larkins – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
Aged 49. Son of John and Mary. Husband of Emma Carnaghan (she was also massacred at Cawnpore).
Major Alexander Robertson – wounded at Futteghur – 12th June 1857. died of wounds 21st July
Aged 37. Agent for Gun Carriages. Son of George Robertson, Deputy Keeper of Records for Scotland. Hi wife, Elizabeth and their infant daughter were also killed.
Captain Robert Charles Henry Baines Fagan – killed in action at Delhi – 12th September 1857
Aged 34. Son of Major-General Christopher Fagan, CB. Born at Fatehgarh. Served in the Punjab (1848). Husband of Sarah Humphrey.
Captain Alexander William Hawkins – murdered by mutineers at Moorar – 15th June 1857
Aged 44. Son of John and Ellen, of Dublin. Husband of Georgina Greene.
Captain Alfred P. Simons – wounded at Chinhut – 30th June 1857. Died at Lucknow 8th September 1857
Aged 33. Served in the Punjab Campaign (medal & 2 clasps).
Memorial at The Residency, Lucknow – “To the memory of Capt. A.P. Simons. Lt D.G. Alexander. Lt E.P. Lewin
Lt J.H. Bryce, Lt F.J. Cunliffe officers of the Bengal Artillery who died of wounds disease & exposure whilst defending the Residency Lucknow during the months of July Aug. and Sept. 1857 erected by their brother officers who survived the siege.”
Lieutenant Burnett Ashburner – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
Sixth son of William Page Ashburner, formerly of Bombay.
Lieutenant St. G. Ashe – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
Lieutenant Charles Dempster – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
Lieutenant Dundas William Gordon – killed in action at Lucknow – 8th January 1858
Aged 24. Son of Adam Gordon, of London.
Lieutenant Edward Hildebrand – killed in action at Delhi – 8th September 1857
Aged 29. Born near Leicester.
Lieutenant John Henderson Lamb – wounded at Agra 5th July – died of wounds 24th August 1857
Aged 29. Assistant-Commissioner at Oraie. Son of David Lamb, of Liverpool.
Lieutenant Edward P. Lewin – killed in action at Lucknow – 26th July 1857
Memorial at The Residency, Lucknow – “To the memory of Capt. A.P. Simons. Lt D.G. Alexander. Lt E.P. Lewin, Lt J.H. Bryce, Lt F.J. Cunliffe officers of the Bengal Artillery who died of wounds disease & exposure whilst defending the Residency Lucknow during the months of July Aug. and Sept. 1857 erected by their brother officers who survived the siege.”
Lieutenant A.O. Mayne – killed in action at Lucknow – 14th November 1857
Lieutenant William Stewart – murdered by mutineers at Gwalior – 15th June 1857
Aged 30. From Ardvorlich, Perthsire. Son of Major W.M. Stewart, Bengal Army. His wife, Lucy, and infant son, Robert, were also killed.
Lieutenant Frederick Henry Turnbull – murdered by mutineers at Jhansi – 4th June 1857
Son of Montagu Henry Turnbull, late Bengal Civil Service.
Lieutenant George Dobson Willoughby – murdered by mutineers at Delhi – 11th May 1857
Memorial at Bath Abbey, Bath – “Sacred to the memory of George Dobson Willoughby, 1st Lieut. Bengal Artillery and Commissary of Ordnance at Delhi, aged 28 years. As a brave and zealous soldier he stood firm in defence of his post intrusted to him, and when resistance failed blew up the Delhi Magazine on 11 May 1857 to prevent its falling into the hands of the mutineers and rebels. Burnt and wounded he subsequently fell a pray to insurgents. This tablet is erected by his sorrowing relatives.”
2nd Lieutenant F.W. Burney – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
2nd Lieutenant Thomas Eden Dickens – wounded at Delhi – 20th July 1857. died of wounds 27th July.
Fourth son of William Dickens, of Cherington, Warwickshire.
Grave at Rajpura Cemetery, Delhi – “In memory of Thomas Eden Dickens. Lieutenant Bengal Artillery, who fell mortally wounded before Delhi on the 20th and died on the 27th of July 1857. Aged 25 years.”
2nd Lieutenant J.A.H. Eckford – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
2nd Lieutenant John Nickleson Martin – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
Memorial at All Souls Church, Cawnpore – “This tablet in memory of an excellent son, is erected by his afflicted parents, Admiral and Mrs Martin, to John Nickleson Martin Liuet. Bengal Artillery Who, whilst gallanty fulfilling his duties, was treacherously killed by the mutineers in the boats at Cawnpore, on the 27th of June 1857, in his 18th year, respected and beloved by all that knew him.”
2nd Lieutenant William Thornton Somerville – wounded at Delhi – 29th August 1857. died
Third and youngest son of James, of Ross, Co. Meath. Born 7th March 1836 in Ireland. Died of a fever.
Grave at Rajpura Cemetery, Delhi – “In memory of Lieut. W.T. Somoerville of the Bengal Artillery who died in camp before Delhi at the age of 21 years and 6 months on the 5th September 1857 of a fever brought on by fatigue and exposure, This monument has been erected by his affectionate friend Major General Huthwaite, CB.”
2nd Lieutenant George M.W. Sotheby – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
Aged 17. Only son of Capt. George H. Sotheby, 34th Madras L.I.
Memorial at St. Johns Church, Clifton, Lancashire – “Also to Lieutenant George M.W. Sotherby, Bengal Artillery, son of the above, who was killed in the massacre at Cawnpore June 1857 aged 17 years.”
2nd Lieutenant Somerset Edward Deane Townsend – murdered by mutineers at Nowgong – 19th June 1857 ‘shot through the heart by a dacoit, near Mahoba. Third son of the late Bishop of Meath.
Assistant-Surgeon R.H. Bartrum – killed in action at Lucknow – 26th September 1857
Captain Henry A. Brownlow – wounded at Delhi – 14th September 1857. died of wounds.
Captain E. Fraser – murdered by mutineers at Meerut – 10th May 1857
Captain G.W. Fulton – killed in action at Lucknow – 14th September 1857
Lieutenant Elliott Pakenham Brownlow – killed in a powder explosion at Delhi – 17th March 1858
Aged 24. Son of Henry Brownlow, of Bath.
Lieutenant Duncan Charles Home, VC – killed in a powder explosion at Allyghur – 29th September 1857 Aged 29. Son of Major-General Richard Home (Bengal Infantry), he was born at Jubbulpore. Joined the Bengal Army in 1846. Won the VC for blowing the Kashmir Gate before the final assault on Delhi (14th Sept.)
Lieutenant C.D. Innes – murdered by mutineers at Allahabad – 7th June 1857
Lieutenant S.C. Jervis – murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore – 27th June 1857
Lieutenant J.R. Monckton – killed in action at Futtehghur – 12th July 1857
Memorial at All Souls Church, Cawnpore – “Futtehgurh Fugitives 10th N.I. Colonel G.A. Smith Wife Child.
Major R. Monro. Major J. Phillott. Lieut C.W. Swetenham. Lieut D. Henderson. Ensign R.S. Byrne. Surgeon T.C. & Mrs Heathcote. Musician W.M. Wrixen. Colonel A. Coldie Wife & Daughters. Lieut J.R. Monckton B. Engr. Wife & Child. Asst-Surgeon S. & Mrs Maltby. Contr. M Roban Ordnance Dept. & Family. School Master Sheils & Family. Sergt. Hammond Gun Agency Dept. & Family. Pensioner Faulknor.”
Lieutenant Philip Salkeld, VC – wounded at Cashmere Gate, Delhi – 14th September 1857. died of wounds, 10th October at Delhi. Aged 26. Born in Dorset. Son of Rev. Robert Salkeld. Joined the Bengal Army in 1848. Won the VC for blowing the Kashmir Gate before the final assault on Delhi (14th Sept.)
Lieutenant Francis Latter Tandy – killed in action at Delhi – 14th September 1857
Aged 23. Son of Edward Tandy, Taxing Master in the Court of Chancery, Ireland. Joined the Bengal Army in 1853. Educated at Addiscombe.
Lieutenant Francis Whiting – killed – 28th June 1857
Memorial at All Souls Church, Cawnpore – “In memory of Francis Whiting Capt Bengal Engineers who was shot by Mutinous Sepoys on the 28th June 1857 in the 35th year of his age one of the devoted band who defended Cawnpore and who was in command of a boat which escaped about 30 miles and fell while pushing her off a sand bank on which she had grounded.”
2nd Lieutenant Edward Jones – wounded at Delhi, 18th July, died of wounds – 24th July 1857
Aged 22. Mortally wounded by a cannon-shot. Son of Edward Jones, of Liverpool.
Grave in Rajpura Cemetery, Delhi – “Sacred to the memory of Lieutenant Edward Jones, Bengal Engineers, who was mortally wounded on the Ridge before Delhi on the 18th July and died on the 24th July 1857.”
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