Prateek Hira nominated as Chairman of FICCI’s Tourism Committee, UP State Council
Mr. Prateek Hira has been appointed as the Chairman of FICCI Tourism Committee, Uttar Pradesh State Council. Prateek Hira brings with 27 years of experience in the tourism industry and expertise on the subject with many tourism researches to his credit. The committee shall advise government of Uttar Pradesh primarily on the issues plaguing tourism industry and will work closely with the government of Uttar Pradesh to revive tourism in a time bound manner after the present situation of pandemic eases. A detailed white paper will be presented to the government that will enlist the measures required for earliest revival of tourism. Government of Uttar Pradesh has resolved to create employment opportunities through tourism and make tourism a key driver of growth and FICCI through its Tourism Committee under the chairmanship of Prateek Hira will be a catalyst to make this happen soonest.
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